Looking for pension & Retirement advice? We offer all clients a no-cost and no obligation review at our office, your home or using video conferencing technology!
At Financial Fortress, we maintain the highest levels of service and guarantee no jargon! No long wait times on the phone and easy to reach named & dedicated advisers!
With over a combined total of 100 5-star reviews, Financial Fortress is one of the most recommended independent financial advisers in the north west.
There are 3 steps to requesting an estimate of your NHS retirement benefits:
Step 1. To start looking for your pension details log on to the Total Reward Statement portal to view your Annual Benefit Statement. More information is available on the TRS information website here
Step 2. If you are looking for an early retirement estimate, use the information on your benefit statement with the early retirement calculator. You can find this in the ‘Getting an estimate of your pension’ section in the Member Hub on the website here
Step 3. If you are looking for a different type of estimate, there may be a charge. Check the schedule of charges on the NHS Pensions website for details. Complete an estimate request form and send this to us with your payment. We aim to complete your request within 40 working days from receipt.
If you are still struggling with this process please feel free to call us on 01244319962 or emailing us on info@financialfortress.co.uk

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