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Firstly, what a horrible name! We would prefer “Grand-parent credits” but anyway, simply put, do you have a gap in your national insurance record and look after a family member under 12? You can possibly claim for a top up!
Given that any missed year could reduce your state pension by £5.28 per week or £274 per year FOREVER – this is definitely worth investigating.
Firstly, it can be backdated to April 2011.
Basically, here is how it works:
- You need to be caring for a child under the age of 12 who is a family member
- Child benefit needs to be being claimed by the Mother of the child (If for example it has been switched off due to earning more than £60,000 per year there is no NI credit available to be transferred). See our page: https://financialfortress.co.uk/child-benefit-tax-trap/
- Both parents are working and paying sufficient national insurance themselves (so don’t need the NI credit)
- Can’t be applied for until atleast the October following the end of the tax year (for example October 2022 for the last tax year, ie: 2021/22)
Here is the government factsheet with full instructions:
What should you do?
You need to check your national insurance record to see if you actually need the credits being claimed! To do this, use our guide here: https://financialfortress.co.uk/how-to-get-your-state-pension-forecast/
When you are ready to claim, the application forms can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-insurance-application-for-specified-adult-childcare-credits-ca9176
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